
The body is very highly connected and there is a link between the organs of the gut and the brain which is termed the ‘Gut-Brain Axis’. The link between the two works both ways, the gut and the things we digest can affect our brain function and similarly stresses to the nervous system can affect our gut. Research in this area originated in around 2004, and since has gained a lot of momentum in the scientific community (1), and can impact your health in numerous ways.

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Ever feel fuzzy, have trouble concentrating or remembering things? How about problems sleeping or losing weight? You may have toxin overload.  

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Want to get rid of toxins? Feeling stressed? Not sleeping well? See why healthy methylation affects your overall health.
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Excess gas, bloating, belly discomfort after eating, problems with your poop? Think it’s all in your gut? Find out more about the gut-health connection and how to improve your health.

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Are you waking up tired, even after 8 hours of sleep? Always craving something sweet? Your blood sugar could be out of whack.

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What are the Benefits of Magnesium and Zinc Supplements?


Most of us experience stress and anxiety at one time or another. Some of the biggest triggers are concerns about money, work, relationships, and the economy. But whatever the cause, stress can seriously affect your health with symptoms ranging from headaches, high blood pressure, and chest pain to heart palpitations, skin rashes, and loss of sleep.


But the good news is that zinc and magnesium can help minimise the adverse effects of stress in your life. Zinc and magnesium play a key role in your moods. And if that wasn’t enough, they are responsible for supporting over 300 functions in your body required for good health.


In this article, I’ll talk about the benefits of zinc and magnesium and what a deficiency in these minerals means for your health. I’ll also cover recommended levels, tips for improving absorption, and supplementation.


So, what are the benefits of Magnesium and Zinc supplements? The benefits of magnesium and zinc are plenty. These supplements are essential for growth, development, strength, sleep, mood, brain function and more. We get small amounts of zinc and magnesium in the food we consume, but often need to supplement this to really receive the benefits.


Read on to learn more about zinc and magnesium supplementation and how it benefits your body.

Zinc Supplement Benefits

Zinc is an essential trace mineral your body needs every day to stay healthy. It’s called a ‘trace’ mineral because you only need a small amount to reap the health benefits.

Why Do You Need Zinc Supplements?

Zinc appears in cells throughout your body and plays a vital role in numerous functions, including immune function, growth and development, brain health, mood and sleep, eye and skin health, and testosterone production.


Not getting enough zinc can lead to serious side effects, severely impairing the immune system function and other health problems.


Here’s why


Growth & development Zinc plays a key role in the production of androgens – IGF 1 growth hormone. If you don’t have enough zinc, your muscles can’t grow, and you’ll have low energy and poor recovery.
Essential for absorbing nutrients If you’re deficient in zinc, it’s more than likely you’re also deficient in other nutrients. That’s because zinc is a great organiser—it is synergistic for the absorption of all nutrients.
Manage insulin If you’re deficient in zinc, your body will have a hard time storing glycogen, inducing anabolism, and your carbs will keep building fat stores.
Regulate dopamine production If you don’t have enough zinc, your brain cannot function properly. You’ll have a lower attention span, more mood swings, and little drive in the gym.


Signs of Zinc Deficiency

Common signs of zinc deficiency may include:


  • Low energy
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Acne
  • Diarrhoea
  • Impaired wound healing, including eye and skin sores
  • Hair loss
  • Learning problems
  • Low libido and impotence
  • Decreased lean body mass


While true zinc deficiency is rare in the western world, mild zinc deficiency is relatively common. This is particularly true in the very young and elderly, women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, people with certain digestive problems and diseases (such as Crohn’s disease), and those on vegetarian or vegan diets.


But how do you get more zinc in your diet? 

Sources of Zinc

The only way to get the zinc your body needs is through food and supplementation


The foods that contain the highest amount of zinc include:


  • Certain types of seafood, such as oysters
  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes
  • Unsweetened chocolate (cacao)

Magnesium Supplement Benefits

Like zinc, magnesium is an essential trace mineral. It’s also one of the most important minerals for optimal health and performance.

Why Do You Need Magnesium Supplements?

Here are just a few reasons why consuming magnesium supplements can benefit your body and your performance.


Vital for every organ in the body This includes the heart, muscles, kidneys and bones. It’s crucial for optimal training and everyday progress as it’s necessary for more than 300 essential metabolic functions.
Calms nerves and anxiety Magnesium supplements have a calming effect on the nervous system. It’s the raw material for serotonin, the neurotransmitter that aids relaxation and well-being.
Deeper sleep Magnesium is an indirect raw material for the hormone melatonin, which brings you into the deep sleep phase. Too little magnesium = no deep sleep. More magnesium = deeper sleep.
Improves brain function Magnesium is essential for excellent mental performance. Supplementation with magnesium has increased brain function and improved learning and memory.
Increases testosterone levels Magnesium is needed for energy metabolism as well as physical activity, and recent research shows that intake increases testosterone levels. I personally use 5 different forms of magnesium, depending on the condition and the target.
Synthesises protein and builds strength Magnesium supplements support protein synthesis, as it allows a corresponding enzyme function in the body. In addition, research shows that supplementing magnesium with strength training can make you stronger.
Reduces inflammation Inflammation is not only an obstacle to recovery after hard workouts but is also associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and diabetes.
Stronger bones You need calcium for strong bones but also sufficient magnesium and vitamin D to absorb the calcium effectively

Magnesium leads to cellular enzyme activity, which first allows the body to convert vitamin D into its active form . It then helps with the mineral intake into the bone structure. Magnesium allows for the release of the hormone calcitonin, which helps to preserve the bone structure and feeds calcium from the bloodstream and soft tissue back into the bones.

Optimised blood lipids and blood pressure Magnesium deficiency has an effect on lipid metabolism and increases blood pressure. This can negatively affect arterial health and ultimately lead to arteriosclerosis. Research shows that supplementation of magnesium significantly reduces the likelihood of exercise-induced chest pain.
Affects mood Magnesium is the raw material for serotonin, the neurotransmitter for relaxation and well-being. Serotonin deficiency is directly related to mood swings, depression and well-being. More magnesium = More serotonin = You feel better.


But, to receive these benefits, the right form of magnesium supplement is crucial. Each magnesium form has other functions and is preferentially absorbed by other tissue. For example, magnesium citrate is ideal after exercise but does not have a relaxing, sleep-inducing effect. Magnesium bisglycinate is the most efficient solution to make it easier to fall asleep at night.

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Common signs of magnesium deficiency include:


  • Muscle cramps and twitches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety, depression, or restlessness

Sources of Magnesium

Like zinc, food and supplements are the main sources of magnesium. The highest magnesium-rich foods include:


  • Dark leafy greens
  • Seeds
  • Beans
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Dark chocolate
  • Yoghurt
  • Bananas
  • Avocados

How Much Zinc and Magnesium Supplements Do You Need?

Zinc and magnesium are vitally important nutrients that play an indispensable role in your body. You need the right amount of these minerals to function properly. These are the current daily intakes for zinc and magnesium recommended by the National Institutes of Health:


  • Zinc: Adults 11 mg for men and 9 mg for women (19+ years old)
  • Magnesium: 400 mg for men, 310 mg for women (19-30 years old), 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women (he31+ years old)


It’s important to note that the recommended daily allowances for zinc and magnesium put forth by the National Institutes of Health are the bare minimum to prevent true deficiency. However, the amounts are inadequate for optimal health, particularly when you consider the amount of stress we battle today.


 Also, some people may have issues that reduce absorption or health goals that increase the need for these minerals. But it’s not always easy to detect low zinc and magnesium levels. That’s because some of the more common symptoms are not unique. Yet, low intake of these minerals is common and linked to several conditions.


While you can absorb zinc and magnesium from dietary sources, many people do not get enough. It’s also important to remember that these minerals are not stored in the body, so you need to have an adequate amount daily.


That’s why adding zinc and magnesium supplements to your daily regimen is important to boost and maintain your levels.

Zinc and Magnesium Supplements at Human Performance Hub

Here at Human Performance Hub, we’re passionate about the benefits of proper supplementation. We only endorse and recommend the highest quality supplements from the world’s leading suppliers of dietary supplements.


We stock a range of zinc and magnesium supplements with different formulations and multivitamins containing these essential minerals.


We’re always here to help to give advice on choosing the best one for you. Please book a consultation if you want to find out more and look at your zinc and magnesium levels.



Zinc Supplements at HPH

Zinc supplements support a healthy immune function, fight free radicals to prevent infections and cancer, help maintain hormone levels and assist the body in absorbing other nutrients. Boosting zinc levels is also important for athletes who lose zinc through sweating during exercise.


Human Performance Hub Zinc Complex

This is a powerful antioxidant in the formulation of zinc chelates with other nutrients like vitamins B6 and taurine to provide superior absorption and results. Made from non-GMO ingredients.


Magnesium Supplements at HPH

Magnesium supplements help promote optimal magnesium levels in the body that are required for 300+ biochemical reactions. Human Performance Hub offers various types of magnesium, each with related benefits in cognitive, neurological, and cardiovascular functions.


Magnesium Bisglycinate UK Vegetarian Capsules (240)

Perfect if you are looking to improve your sleep and recovery. Magnesium is great because of its ability to calm the nervous system and muscular systems. Calming these is important to set you up for a good night’s sleep.


Human Performance Hub Magnesium L-Threonate

Human Performance Hub Magnesium L-Threonate uses the unique, patented, chelated mineral Magtein™ containing magnesium chelated to threonic acid (magnesium L-threonate). Its ability to get through the blood-brain barrier to transport magnesium ions to brain cells may support cognitive abilities and decrease common age-related memory decline. Made with non-GMO ingredients.


Magnesium Tri-Complex 150g Powder HPH

Magnesium Tri-Complex is a unique blend of three highly absorbable forms of magnesium. One serving provides 300 mg of elemental magnesium in an easy-to-mix powder.

This product contains three forms of magnesium that may support energy production, heart health, blood vessel function, and healthy blood glucose metabolism.* It is naturally sweetened with monk fruit and contains no stevia or artificial sweeteners.


Thank you for being part of our journey – stay tuned for more updates!

Most of us know about vitamin C as a defence against colds and flu, but it’s much more than that. The science behind this critical antioxidant shows that it’s vital for many processes in our bodies and for maintaining good health.

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In this article, we look at the amazing immune system and which supplements can help balance and support it so you can achieve optimum health.

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Licorice is a therapeutic herb that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The licorice plant grows throughout Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean.

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If you’ve ever wondered whether you should take omega 3 supplements, you’ve come to the right place. Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to many health benefits. In fact, few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly. In this article, Human Performance Hub outlines the many benefits of taking fish oil supplements. 

So, what are the benefits of fish oil and omega 3? Fish oil and omega 3 offer a range of health benefits. These include:

  • Anti-Inflammatory effect
  • Insulin sensitivity & cellular health 
  • Heart, eye and skin health 
  • Mental health 
  • Pregnancy and early life
  • Reduces liver fat

Read on to learn more about each benefit in more detail and how to take omega 3 supplements correctly.

Main Benefits of Fish Oil and Omega 3 

Fish oil is one of the most researched substances on the planet and is known for its benefits to our health.The World Health Organisation recommends eating 1-2 portions of fish per week. This is because fish oil is rich in essential fats that the body is unable to produce independently. The most crucial essential fat found in fish oil is omega 3. It comes in two forms: 

  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is great for countering inflammation and is found in big warm-water fish.
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is great for brain health and found in small cold-water fish.

Fun fact – The benefits of good quality fish oil to health have been known for centuries and was actually one of the reasons why civilisation flourished so well in coastal regions. 

Although you could argue that fish oil is beneficial for almost any ailment, we primarily recommend this supplement for the following benefits: 

Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Fish oil works with both acute and chronic inflammation. As we keep hearing, inflammation is at the forefront of disease, illness, delayed recovery and obesity, so being able to counter this process should be of interest to everyone. Here’s everything you need to know:

Acute joint pain – Alongside curcumin, fish oil is a great ‘go-to’ supplement for anyone with acute joint pain. This is because it is very effective at lowering pain and discomfort. 

Reduce inflammation – Fish oil helps reduce inflammation by healing the gut on a systematic level. In fact, it’s been shown that 66% of neurotransmitters are made in the gut lining, which is why people say they have a ‘gut feeling’ before important events. Omega 3 helps balance out gut bacteria by turning on lipolytic genes that decrease harmful gut bacteria, whilst promoting beneficial bacteria growth. 

Lowers triglycerides – Fish oil helps lower triglycerides in the blood, which helps keep your arteries healthy and lower blood pressure. 

Fish oil also helps offset the inflammatory effects of processed vegetables and seed oils such as soy or corn oil, both of which are very popular in Western culture. 

Insulin Sensitivity and Cellular Health 

The body uses omega 3 oil to build the outside lipid layer that protects cells. All fats can be used for this purpose, including trans fats. However, if the body uses omega 3 to manufacture cells, they function much better, and signalling is greatly enhanced.

At Human Performance Hub, we have noticed something insightful when taking skinfold measurements. If a client has an incredibly unhealthy processed diet before getting tested, their skin folds are usually very ‘clumpy’ because their cells contain trans fats. However, once their diet improves and inflammation is lowered, we’ve noticed a marked improvement in cell health, especially with the addition of quality fish oil, which allows for much better skin separation and in turn, body fat measurements. 

As cell health improves, so does insulin sensitivity. Cell receptors can bind more easily with insulin which allows nutrients to move in and out of the cell more efficiently. 

Heart Health

Studies show that people who eat a lot of fish have much lower rates of heart disease. Multiple risk factors for heart disease appear to be reduced by the consumption of fish oil. The benefits of fish oil for heart health include:

  • Improves cholesterol levels – Fish oil can increase levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol and may also lower levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. 
  • Decreased triglycerides – Fish oil can lower triglycerides by 15-30%
  • Reduced blood pressure – Even in small doses, fish oil helps reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels.
  • Plaque prevention – Fish oil can prevent the plaques that can cause arteries to harden as well as making arterial plaques more stable and safer in those who already have them. 

Mental Health Conditions 

Omega 3s are essential for typical brain function because our brains are made up of nearly 60% fat. Some studies even suggest that people with certain mental health conditions have lower omega 3 blood levels. 

Eye Health 

Much like your brain, your eyes rely on omega 3 fats. Evidence shows that people who do not get enough omega 3s have a greater risk of eye diseases. 

Healthy Skin 

Fish oil supplements can be beneficial in a number of skin disorders, including psoriasis and dermatitis. Getting your omega 3s through fish oil supplements can also improve the fatty acid composition in your skin and balance its inflammatory response. Essentially, skin stays softer and less inflamed. Keeping your fatty acid levels up also helps to minimise the effect of sun damage and improve sensitive skin conditions. 

Pregnancy and Early Life

Omega 3s are essential for early growth and development. Therefore, it is important to get enough omega 3s during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Taking fish oil supplements during these times may improve foetal brain development. 

Reduces Liver Fat

Fish oil supplements can improve liver function and inflammation, which may help reduce symptoms of NAFLD and the amount of fat in your liver. 

How Do You Take Fish Oil? 

If you struggle to eat 1-2 portions of oily fish per week, you may want to consider taking a fish oil supplement. Below, we have outlined a list of things to consider when taking a fish oil supplement:


EPA and DHA dosage recommendations vary according to your age and health. At Human Performance Hub, we recommend that you aim to get 1 to 3 grams of EPA and DHA daily from a combination of oily fish and supplementation. 


Fish oil supplements come in a variety of forms, including ethyl esters, triglycerides, reformed triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids. 

Bear in mind that your body does not absorb ethyl esters as well as other forms, so try to choose a fish oil supplement that comes in one of the other listed forms. 


Many supplements contain up to 1,000 mg of fish oil per serving but only 300 mg of EPA and DHA.

Read the label and choose a supplement that contains at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA per 1,000 mg of fish oil.


Quality is paramount when it comes to fish oil. Not all fish oil is created equally, how the oil is processed, stabilised and stored all have a significant effect on the quality. Many commercially available brands have very poor bioavailability and are often rancid even before purchase. Fish oils should be in a high-quality triglyceride form rather than ethyl ester, allowing improved bioavailability. 

Take a look at our quality fish oil, Omega 3 Ultra

To avoid products that do not contain ingredients they say they do, choose a supplement that is third-party tested or has a seal of purity from the Global Organization for EPA and DHA omega 3s (GOED). 


Omega 3 fatty acids are prone to oxidation, which makes them go rancid. To avoid this, you can choose a supplement that contains an antioxidant, such as vitamin E. Remember to keep your supplements away from light, ideally in the refrigerator.


Choose a fish oil supplement that has a sustainability certification, such as from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or the Environmental Defense Fund.

Top tip – the production of fish oil from anchovies and similar small fish is more sustainable than that from large fish. 


Because other dietary fats can improve your absorption of omega 3 fatty acids, it’s best to take your fish oil supplement with a meal that contains fat. 

Our Fish Oil Recommendations 

Here are some of our top recommendations when it comes to supplementing with omega 3: 

  1. To combat high inflammation, try a high-EPA concentration of fish oil.
  2. To promote cognition and brain health, choose a high-DHA concentration fish oil.
  3. For body composition, get a combination of EPA and DHA in a 3:2 ratio.

*Always speak with your physician or another healthcare professional before taking any nutritional & lifestyle changes or before taking any nutritional supplement. For more information, please view our terms and conditions.


HPH Omega 3 Ultra Softgel Capsules

Omega Supplements With Human Performance Hub 

Now that you are aware of how fish oil can benefit your health, take a look at our omega 3 supplements at Human Performance Hub. 

Whether you’re looking to reduce inflammation or improve your heart health, we have something for everyone’s needs. 

If you have any questions or would like advice on nutrition, supplements or training, please book in for a consultation.

Further Reading 

If you’re not quite ready to leave us yet, take a look at some of our other articles on supplements.