
Glycine is the simplest amino acid found in the body. However, it’s also one of the most crucial because it synthesises proteins. We couldn’t live without glycine. Athletes, in particular, should be taking glycine as it can promote muscle growth. In this blog, Human Performance Hub discusses how much glycine you should take and its other benefits. So, how much glycine should I take to build muscle? 

You should be taking 12 grams of glycine to build muscle. This is because your body naturally produces around 2.5 grams daily, which falls short of the optimal amount needed for metabolic function and muscle growth. As glycine is a vital component of the compounds creatine and collagen, you need the optimal amount of glycine to build muscle. 

Read on to learn more about taking glycine to build muscle and the amounts you should be taking.

How Much Glycine Is Needed To Build Muscle?

The optimal amount of glycine is 15 grams per day for your metabolism to function effectively. As the body only produces around 2.5 grams of glycine daily, supplements can help you reach the optimal amount to build muscle more effectively. 

Here at Human Performance Hub, we have glycine powder, the ideal solution for you. We recommend consuming 30 grams (1 scoop of our glycine powder product) with water or any other beverage per day or as your health care practitioner guides. 


Is Glycine Good For Building Muscle?

Glycine is the ideal supplement for building muscle. As it’s a vital amino acid in the compounds of collagen and creatine, glycine contributes to the growth hormone release. This ultimately results in muscle-building.  Studies have shown that a high dosage of glycine intake can cause an increase in growth hormone release

Studies have shown that a deficiency in glycine in athletes leads to injury. As glycine is a crucial component in collagen, glycine is directly responsible for protecting and strengthening joints and tendons. This is critical for those building muscles as it protects your tissue from damage when working out. 


How Do I Take Glycine?

Glycine is widely available in capsule or powder form. If you don’t enjoy taking tablets, the powder form easily dissolves into water and tastes sweet. Due to its sweet taste, it can easily be incorporated into your nutrition in foods such as: 

  • Water
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Soups
  • Oatmeal 
  • Yoghurt
  • Pudding
  • Protein Shakes/Smoothies

Other Benefits of Glycine

Some other benefits of taking glycine supplements are: 

1. Improves Sleep 

As glycine is an amino acid, it can have a calming effect on the brain and may help people fall asleep easier. Research has also shown that glycine can help people stay asleep for longer due to the lower temperature of the body. 

Read more about the sleep-related benefits of Glycine in our in-depth blog ‘Does Glycine Make You Sleepy?’. 

2. Boosts Metabolism 

Glycine regulates the metabolism of cells. Research has shown that glycine can treat conditions such as diabetes. Glycine has been shown to decrease visceral fat stores by 50%, which helps you lose weight, which is beneficial when building muscle

3. Improves Heart Health 

As glycine is a powerful antioxidant, some research has shown that this amino acid can reduce the risk of heart disease. Glycine prevents the accumulation of a compound that, in high amounts, has been linked to atherosclerosis (the hardening and narrowing of the arteries). 

4. Brain Food 

Glycine contributes to making the compound of creatine. Creatine has been linked to healthy brain function and memory. Creatine has also been shown to increase muscle size, strength and power. This is ideal for those trying to build muscle, as glycine is a crucial component and getting too little may reduce how much creatine you are producing. 

Fun Fact: Scientists have shown interest in using glycine to treat schizophrenia and improve memory due to its involvement in transmitting chemical signals in the brain.

5. Lowers Inflammation 

Another benefit of glycine is that it lowers inflammation in your cells. This is ideal for those building muscle, as glycine can help to heal any muscle damage and prevent cell damage. 

To learn more about the benefits of taking glycine, check out our dedicated blog, ‘The Top 7 Benefits Of Glycine Powder’

Glycine Powder at Human Performance Hub

Human Performance Hub offers an extensive range of Glycine Powder Supplements. Whether you are looking to improve your sleep or improve your physical performance, we have the perfect solution for your needs. 

Human Performance Hub Glycine Powder


Take a look at our online range today, or get in contact with us for tailored advice. 

This month, we look at some slumber strategies and health-supporting minerals to help you improve your sleep. You probably know how essential sleep is to your health and wellbeing.

As discussed in many articles, sleep is the first one out of the three things I look at to help get faster results with my clients in their health and performance.

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Simple and effective

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Simple and effective

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Inositol is one of the most important vitamins you may never have heard of! It is often promoted as a general health supplement for women due to its benefits for fertility and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), as well as for relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and anxiety. However, inositol benefits a wide array of conditions in both women and men, and has many other health-promoting effects.

In this article, I’ll talk about why inositol is so essential and how you can boost it in your body.


So, what are inositol benefits? Inositol is beneficial in balancing neurotransmitters, but has a wide range of other health benefits including:


  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Improves PMS and PCOS symptoms
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Reduces depression
  • Aids weight loss


Read on to learn more about the health benefits of supplementing with inositol, as well as when and how to take it.

What is Inositol?

Inositol is a vital nutrient produced naturally in the body and found in plants and animals. Inositol plays a part in many bodily processes. However, one of the primary reasons we use inositol here at Human Performance Hub is its vital role in balancing neurotransmitters.

Inositol and Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters relay messages between the billions of neurons or nerve cells in your brain and affect many aspects of your life, ranging from moods, productivity, stress management, memory and learning ability, sleep, food cravings, addictions, etc.


While all neurotransmitters are essential, the “big four” are:



All major neurotransmitters rely on inositol to relay the messages between your brain cells. Like your phone needs a signal to work, neurotransmitters can’t do their thing without inositol.


Unfortunately, modern living, with high-stress levels, inadequate sleep, and poor nutrition, can rapidly imbalance your neurotransmitters;  to be physically and mentally healthy, you need a good balance of neurotransmitters.


Inositol is an excellent balancer because it’s naturally a part of many brain chemical systems. As such, inositol can help a wide array of health conditions as well as boost good health. It is one of the first supplements I recommend to new clients.


5 Inositol Benefits Backed by Science

Here are five ways that inositol can improve your health and wellbeing.

1. Inositol Helps to Promote Quality Sleep

The great thing about inositol is that it works as an adaptogen – this means it promotes only what your body needs on an individual basis. For example, GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, slows down brain activity and puts your body in a calmer and more relaxed state. Low GABA activity in your body is linked to insomnia and disrupted sleep. Meanwhile, serotonin is another brain chemical that affects how you sleep. If serotonin is low, it can disrupt sleep.


So if you’re low in GABA and serotonin and struggle with sleep, inositol can help bring your levels back up. Alternatively, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning due to low dopamine levels, inositol can help bring this up instead.


Learn more about how neurotransmitters and brain chemicals affect how we sleep in our blogs, The Brain Chemicals that Boost Sleep and Recovery and The Science and Sensibilities of Sleep.


2. Inositol Helps to Improve PMS and PCOS Symptoms

Inositol helps diminish the mood swings, depression, and anxiety of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the more severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Taking inositol supplements can also positively improve polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms like menstrual irregularities, infertility, weight gain, high blood sugar, and unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 


Furthermore, several studies found that daily doses of inositol reduced blood triglyceride levels, improved insulin function, lowered blood pressure, and promoted ovulation in women with polycystic PCOS(3, 4, 5, 6). It supports ovarian function so well that some nutritional supplements specifically designed to encourage fertility contain inositol.


Inositol also shows potential in boosting fertility for men. One study of 194 men showed that inositol supplementation improved sperm quality, sperm count, and fertility after three months. 

3. Inositol Helps Lessen Anxiety

Several mental health disorders such as anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, and depression are linked to lower levels of inositol in the brain (8, 9). Inositol affects neurotransmitters and low inositol levels may contribute to decreased serotonin activity in your brain,  impacting behaviour and mood. Research on inositol supplementation showed improved symptoms associated with conditions affecting serotonin and the brain.

In some instances, inositol was more effective than the most commonly prescribed medications. For example, one study found that people taking inositol had fewer panic attacks per week compared to those taking SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) anxiety medication. 


4. Inositol Helps Reduce Depression

Like anxiety, inositol has benefits for depression. That’s because inositol levels are lower than average in people with depression, however, inositol increases serotonin and creates SSRI effects, similar to antidepressant drugs like Prozac. In one study of 28 people with depression, high doses of inositol (12 g/day) improved mood and all symptoms after four weeks. 


These studies suggest that inositol can be as effective, if not more, when compared to SSRI antidepressant drugs for different conditions.

5. Inositol Helps Weight Loss

Inositol can encourage weight loss by improving how the body responds to insulin. Insulin is a critically important hormone for controlling blood sugar levels, and when your body has a problem responding to insulin, the resulting insulin resistance causes blood sugar fluctuations. This can lead to compulsive overeating and cravings for sugary foods in many people.


Inositol helps reduce insulin resistance by improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin. In one study, women supplemented with 4 grams of inositol per day showed improved insulin sensitivity. (14)


Recommended supplementation

It’s best if you build up your inositol levels steadily. I recommend taking 900mg – 3,6 grams every night for at least one month.

The product I prefer is our Myo-Inositol. Each cap serving has 900mg of inositol. Most people find this the most convenient and economical way to take Inositol.


Inositol has tremendous health benefits due to its many roles in the body. It can help with stress, anxiety, hormonal issues, PCOS, acne, trouble with focus and sugar cravings, and metabolic conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and more. If you have any of these issues or want to help prevent them, you should add inositol to your health toolkit.

Human Performance Hub MYO Inositol


We’re always here to help. If you have any questions or would like advice about supplements, nutrition, or training, please book in for a consultation.