
Research has shown that almost 50% of people have a magnesium deficiency, yet it is vital for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Plus, a magnesium deficiency can cause a number of health issues, including heart, kidney and bone health. In this article we explain some of the top magnesium bisglycinate benefits and how to properly supplement with magnesium.

So, what are magnesium bisglycinate benefits? The benefits of taking magnesium supplements include:

  • Maintaining bone health
  • Aiding digestion
  • Promoting cardiovascular health
  • Enhancing sleep and relaxation
  • Relieving chronic headaches
  • Supporting women’s health

Read on to learn more about magnesium bisglycinate and how supplements can benefit your health. We also advise on dosage and how to take magnesium supplements for maximum results.

What are Magnesium Bisglycinate Benefits?

Magnesium bisglycinate has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including:

Maintains Bone Health

Magnesium partners with calcium in maintaining bone health. Many individuals supplement calcium without adequate magnesium, leading to ineffective support for bone health. Magnesium is also needed for the proper activity of vitamin D which is crucial for bone health.

Aids Digestion and Elimination

Individuals with low stomach acid or less-than-optimal digestion often lack adequate magnesium since absorption is compromised. Magnesium chelates help restore a healthy magnesium balance when digestion is inefficient and promotes a healthy elimination pattern.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Magnesium helps support muscle relaxation and function, which is vital to cardiovascular health since the heart is a muscular organ. Magnesium is also an essential cofactor in several enzymes that support healthy blood pressure.

Enhances Relaxation and Sleep

As magnesium helps muscles relax, it can enhance general relaxation, promote a sense of calm, and support normal sleep patterns.

Helps Metabolise Carbohydrates

Magnesium is critical for the biochemical reactions involved in converting carbohydrates and fats into energy. It may also contribute to the proper functioning of insulin receptors.

Supports Kidney Health

As magnesium balances calcium, it may support kidney health by reducing the risk of abnormal deposits in the kidneys.

Relieves Chronic Headaches 

Magnesium supplementation has long been known to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines and milder forms of headaches. Since as many as half of all migraine sufferers may be magnesium-deficient, researchers note that “oral magnesium is warranted in all migraine sufferers.”

Regarding migraine prophylaxis, adequate quantities of magnesium is critical for maintaining the electrolyte balance that contributes to the proper polarisation of neuronal membranes. Overlapping pathophysiologic mechanisms were noted between migraine and epilepsy; abnormalities in neuronal polarisation and excitability may contribute to migraine, as they are known in seizure disorders.

Contributes to Women’s Health 

Magnesium deficiency contributes to numerous health issues in women, such as dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual migraine, and post-menopausal symptoms. Research determined that supplemental magnesium helps prevent or relieve symptoms in these cases and may also positively impact eclampsia, pre-eclampsia and leg cramps during pregnancy.

What is Magnesium Bisglycinate?

Magnesium is an essential mineral that assists in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It is crucial for energy production, bone and muscle health, physical strength and mobility, neurological health, and metabolism.

As the second most abundant mineral inside cells, magnesium helps convert food (especially carbohydrates) to energy. Over 60% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the skeleton; the remaining portion is primarily housed in your muscles.

Magnesium bisglycinate is made when two separate glycine molecules occupy an active site on each magnesium molecule, leading to superior absorption because of increased solubility – this makes magnesium supplements easy to consume.

Sources of Magnesium

The primary sources of magnesium are food and supplements. Research suggests that ocean seawater also contains  high levels of magnesium, perhaps more than food. In this case, the body would absorb magnesium through the skin whilst, for example, swimming. This is particularly beneficial as some people have difficulties breaking down  and absorbing magnesium-rich foods in the gut and intestine.

The highest magnesium-rich foods include:

  • Dark leafy greens
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Beans, fish
  • Whole grains
  • Avocado
  • Bananas.

While you can get magnesium from food sources, most people do not get enough; minerals are not stored in the body, therefore, it’s incredibly important to consume an adequate amount every day, which is why including a magnesium supplement in your diet is vital to boost and maintain optimal levels of this essential mineral.

How Much Magnesium Bisglycinate Should I Take?

We recommend that magnesium bisglycinate be taken between your evening meal and going to bed. However, unlike many other supplements, it can be taken on an empty stomach if necessary. 

The recommended daily intake for men and women is:

  • Women – 2 capsules per day (~300mg)
  • Men – 4 capsules per day (~600mg)

Human Performance Hub’s Magnesium Bisglycinate contains highly absorbable magnesium, with each capsule providing 150 mg of elemental magnesium. This product should not cause any unfavourable gastrointestinal symptoms associated with magnesium supplementation due to the very stable chelate formed between two glycine molecules and each magnesium ion via a patented process.




We’re always here to help. If you have any questions or would like advice on nutrition, supplements or training, please book in for a consultation.

Further Reading

5 top reasons why taking a multivitamin supplement is smart health insurance

I previously discussed my top five supplement recommendations, yet people often ask me what supplement I would take if I could choose only one. My answer is always a quality multivitamin – it’s the base supplement for all my clients to ensure a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals.

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Personalised, one-to-one consultations that educate inspire and provide focus to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

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At some point, you may find yourself in a health rut. Maybe your current training routine is no longer getting you the results you’d like, an old health issue is rearing its head again, or you need advice on reaching a new health and fitness goal. Find out how working with a functional medicine strength and conditioning coach guarantees personal, tailored advice to help you reach your goals when you need it most.

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Integrating the art of coaching with functional medicine, nutrition, and the psychology of eating and movement to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

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A personalised online coaching program to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Find out more.

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  1. If you think L-glutamine is only for athletes, think again. Indeed, L-glutamine powder and supplements have long been promoted in the fitness industry because they help to build healthy and lean bodies. Yet, L-glutamine is possibly one of the most vital but underrated supplements for everyone. This powerful amino acid provides many essential health benefits for gut and brain health, immune function, and more. 

    So, what are the benefits of L-glutamine? L-glutamine powders and supplements offer a number of health benefits for everyone, not just athletes. These include, but are not limited to:

    • Promotes a healthy gut
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Stabilises blood sugar
    • Reduces the symptoms of stress
    • Boosts muscle recovery

    Top 5 Benefits of L-Glutamine

    L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in muscle tissue and a significant building block of protein. Your body requires a lot of L-glutamine, therefore, supplementing with L-glutamine powder is an excellent way to ensure that your body gets enough to provide the following benefits. 

    1. L-glutamine Promotes a Healthy Gut  

    Hippocrates declared over 2000 years ago that “all disease begins in the gut”. Today we know even more about the gut-health connection and how your gut impacts your health in many ways. 

    L-glutamine is the primary fuel source for the intestinal mucosa, making it a fantastic supplement to support the intestinal lining’s health and integrity. It also helps to seal and maintain the gut lining. Decreasing intestinal permeability helps heal leaky gut, a condition that can cause autoimmune diseases and other serious health issues.

    Because L-glutamine supports gastrointestinal health, it’s also known to relieve excess bloating and could help you banish that post-cheat day bloat! 

    L-glutamine is crucial for a healthy gut; it’s my top go-to supplement for any gut repair protocol. I recommend the HPH GI Regenerate Powder as an all-around supplement to support and improve your gut health.

    2. L-glutamine Boosts the Immune System

    L-glutamine plays a vital role in gut health. It also directly benefits the immune system since about 60 to 80% of the immune system lives in the gut. 

    Intense training sessions, illness and general lack of wellbeing places the body under a great deal of stress that naturally suppresses the immune system. However, supplementing with L-glutamine powder provides the body’s immune system with an immediate fuel source to keep functioning optimally.

    3. L-glutamine Helps to Stabilise Blood Sugar 

    When you experience a craving for carbohydrates, your brain usually wants sugar or glucose. L-glutamine works as a healthy alternative to sugar as it fuels similar brain receptors.

    L-glutamine helps suppress insulin levels and stabilise blood glucose benefits, which benefits people with diabetes and those with sugar and carb cravings. Lowering cravings for sugar and processed carbs, and by extension, eating less of them helps control blood sugars and inflammation that would slow down your recovery.

    So if you find yourself reaching for a late-night cookie when you know you shouldn’t, consider taking L-glutamine instead, and the sugar craving will soon pass. 


    Here’s my favourite for sugar cravings: Mix 1 heaped tablespoon of L-glutamine powder with 50 ml of heavy organic cream or coconut cream. Drink or spoon it as a dessert, mixing in a handful of fresh raspberries or blueberries – delicious!

    4. L-glutamine Helps Reduce Symptoms of Stress

    In part, L-glutamine is used by the brain to build and balance the neurotransmitter GABA. There is growing evidence that L-glutamine and GABA play a significant role in mood and anxiety disorders. 

    Over time, chronic stress can cause serious health problems. For example, chronic stress can suppress your immune system leaving you vulnerable to infections and other illnesses and inhibiting your body’s ability to repair itself and absorb vital nutrients. However, L-glutamine is known as the “calming amino acid” for its effectiveness in reducing stress-related anxiety symptoms.

    Increasing L-glutamine levels may also reduce symptoms of stress-related IBS. When the body is stressed, it releases the hormone cortisol, which can lower L-glutamine levels stored in the muscle tissue. 

    5. L-glutamine Boosts Muscle Recovery

    Your body needs lots of protein and amino acids to help your muscles recover after a workout. L-glutamine is the perfect post-workout supplement as it boosts muscle recovery by increasing protein intake to build muscle, up-regulate the immune system, and improve the gut to help lean out and build muscle. 

    Heavy workout sessions can deplete your glutamine levels and, due to the stress placed on your body after working out, your muscles and tendons need significant amounts of glutamine. Supplementing with L-glutamine post-workout hydrates your muscles and triggers a boost in growth hormone. More growth hormone helps your body synthesise protein to build muscle, reduce recovery time, and mobilise fat from storage to make it available for energy. 

    Supplementing with just 80g of L-glutamine throughout the day provides a protein intake equivalent to 400g of meat!

    How Much L-Glutamine to Take Per Day

    If you’re new to L-glutamine, I recommend starting with a 10g serving in the evening between your evening meal and going to bed. This should be taken with Magnesium Bisglycinate. After a while, you can then increase your intake with another 10g in the morning, mixed with lime, salt and water. Eventually, you should be able to increase your intake to 8 X 10g servings of L-glutamine per day.


    L-glutamine powder may traditionally be used to burn fat and build muscle, but evidence shows that there are far wider benefits. This amino acid promotes gut and brain health, boosts immunity and athletic performance, and improves your overall health.

    You may also want to consider L-glutamine powder if you have symptoms like anxiety, sugar or alcohol cravings, a poor immune system, low muscle mass, poor wound healing, or slow recovery after workouts. 

    Human Performance Hub recommends these pharmaceutical-grade L-glutamine powders:


    What is L-Glutamine?

    L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in muscle tissue and a significant building block of protein. The musculoskeletal system is made up of around 60% glutamine, therefore, it won’t surprise you to learn that your body needs a lot of it.

    Your body naturally produces L-glutamine. You can also get L-glutamine from your diet in animal and plant protein foods like beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and beans.

    However, many people don’t consume enough in their diet to reap the benefits. In fact, inadequate L-glutamine levels in your body can have harmful effects on your health. Some recent studies have associated glutamine depletion with increased mortality on the extreme side. For this reason, critically ill patients are often given a glutamine supplement. 

Wednesday, 2nd December 2020

Dear Friends,

As we head into the festive season, no doubt we’re all familiar with the overindulgence that can lead to holiday weight gain.

But these are unprecedented times. Shuttered gyms and stress eating while staying at home during the Covid-19 lockdown has led to widespread weight gain, birthing phrases like the “Quarantine-15” and “Covid-15”. Yes, this is very true!

We may not be “flattening the curve” fast enough, but we have certainly been “fattening the curve”.

Sadly, being overweight or obese; both are often linked to chronic health problems, This is also emerging as a significant risk factor for coronavirus-related complications. Excess body fat contributes to systemic inflammation, inhibiting a healthy immune-system reaction to infection.

Combined with the sedentary lifestyles of Netflix and Zoom fatigue, stress, and inadequate sleep, unhealthy eating can lead to severe health issues. This is not a winning combination to be fighting fit!

With exercise, one of the best things you can do to improve your brain and body’s response, which in turn can promote your weight loss and help anxiety, is to supplement with inositol. This vitamin plays a role in many bodily processes and has many health-promoting effects, especially relevant during these times.


YPSI Inositol Plus Magnesium is an excellent product providing 2 grams of inositol along with 400 mg of magnesium glycinate – great for promoting healthy sleep – and amino acids L-glycine and L-taurine is a water-soluble powder.

This is one of the products I give every single one of my clients at one point. See why it’s one of the most important vitamins you should consider adding to your health arsenal.

Your partner in health,


PS: Have you gained weight during the Covid-19 lockdown? Looking ahead to the holiday season, is weight loss or weight maintenance one of your goals? Let me know.


We’re always here to help. If you have any questions or would like advice about supplements, nutrition, or training, please book in for a consultation.

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Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professionals before making any nutritional & lifestyle changes or before taking any nutritional supplement. For more information, please view our terms & conditions.

Further Reading

There’s a vast array of supplements on the market today and accompanying marketing lingo vowing to save your health. How do you know the claims are real? As a health-conscious consumer, you want to make sure you’re making the right choices.

Read more